Ways of Enlichenment

The Cast and Crew

Hi, I’m Jason Hollinger, the webmaster and developer of this site. Originally Trevor Goward and I conceived of these pages as on-line support for Trevor’s upcoming opus Ways of Enlichenment. But along the way this site has expanded and taken on a life of its own.

We would like to invite our readers–lichenologists or not–to join us. We can easily give you space to post your own content such as articles, images, discussion, etc. Please share your ideas with us, and let’s see what we can do together.

Many people contributed considerable time and effort to this website. Some provided data, while others combed the technical literature, and others still spent the equivalent weeks in the field making sure the lines we’ve drawn on our maps are more or less real. All will be acknowledged as contributors to Ways of Enlichenment. Trevor and I of course must accept responsibility for any inaccuracies in the content and functionality of this website. Please let us know what you think of it. We love feedback.


Trevor Goward
Trevor Goward
Trevor Goward

Trevor Goward is a naturalist who thinks a lot about lichens and, though lichens, about ecosystems. He makes his home in British Columbia’s Clearwater Valley, snug against the wilderness of Wells Gray Provincial Park. Here he reads, writes, gardens, paddles in season, skis in some other season, consults, mentors, gives field courses, and follows deer trails wherever they may lead. In recent years Trevor has reconfigured his 4 ha home property, Edgewood Blue, into a not-for-profit place of learning for naturalists and others committed to a closer relation with the living world. Students willing to help out around the house and grounds in exchange for field instruction, mentoring and guidance are always welcome. Contact: trevor dot goward at botany dot ubc dot ca.

Andy MacKinnon
Andy MacKinnon
Andy MacKinnon

Andy MacKinnon is a professional biologist and professional forester currently working as a forest ecologist for the BC Forest Service, Coast Region. His research interests and activities include: ecosystem classification and mapping; structure, composition and dynamics of coastal old-growth forests; and BC's native plants, fungi and lichens. Andy is co-author of a number of plant guides for western Canada and the US Pacific Northwest, sometimes (when he’s really, really lucky) working with Trevor. You can contact Andy at andy dot mackinnon at gov dot bc dot ca.

Jason Hollinger
Jason Hollinger
Jason Hollinger

That’s me. I was trained in physics and math, and made a living programming for the finance industry for nearly seven years before “retiring” early so that I might wander the earth learning as much as I can about things that interest me. Which is just about everything. I am also an active developer for the popular Mushroom Observer website. My personal email address is jasonphollinger at yahoo dot com.

Tim Wheeler
Tim Wheeler
Tim Wheeler

Tim Wheeler is a geologist, lichenologist, mycologist and nature photographer who lives outside of Arlee Montana in the shadow of the Mission Mountains. He is currently working on the lichens of the Pacific Northwest both large and small, the lichens of the Valdivian Temperate Rainforest in southern Chile, and the Macrofungi of Montana. His list of photos increases daily; so don’t hesitate to contact him if you need help with something. He can be reached at timothybwheeler at gmail dot com.

Toby Spribille
Toby Spribille
Toby Spribille

Toby Spribille has divided his time between over the last several years between western North America and Germany, and will soon be joining the lichen systematics group at the University of Graz, Austria. His research emphasis is floristics and systematics of lichens of western North America and the North Pacific region. He can be reached at tspribi at gwdg dot de.

Ken Wright
Ken Wright
Ken Wright

Ken’s unquenchable fascination for the natural world goes back to childhood. His passion became occupation and he has been engaged in numerous bird and lichen-related field research projects that have taken him throughout British Columbia, Yukon, Alberta, and Alaska. During winter he travels to South America and Antarctica where he is a naturalist on board a small cruise ship. Whether abroad or at home, he enjoys hiking, cycling, skiing and photographing nature. Ken resides in Lillooet, British Columbia. He can be contacted at kwright2008 at gmail dot com.

Curtis Bjork
Curtis Bjork
Curtis Bjork

Curtis is a lichenologist and botanist who’s early interest in the plants of his childhood stomping-grounds near Spokane, Washington led to a broad interest in the plants and lichens of eastern Washington, Idaho and British Columbia. He currenly works for Keystone Wildlife Research Ltd. in Surrey BC, and publishes on a variety of plant and lichen topics. His pastimes include skiing, hiking, and cooking.

Gy Ovendon
Gy Ovendon
Gy Ovenden

Gy Ovenden is an ecologist who lives in Clearwater. Gy gained a doctorate in zoology from the University of Sheffield, UK before working as a field botanist and conservation biologist. After many years as an adviser for the UK government on the conservation of biodiversity he decided to come and live amongst some of the best of it in Wells Gray Country, British Columbia. Gy and his wife Joanne run Discover Wells Gray–an interpretive and adventure hiking business discoverwellsgray.com. Gy also works as a freelance environmental consultant and general ranch hand on their acreage. Contact Gy at gy dot ovenden at gmail dot com.

Derek Woods
Derek Woods
Derek Woods

Derek Woods is a writer and a PhD candidate in the Environmental Humanities at Rice University. Derek met Trevor Goward in 2003 and hasn’t looked at a lichen the same way since. As an amateur lichenologist, he has given talks at the Vancouver and San Francisco Mycological Societies. Derek is working on books about post-WWII ecological culture and the history of symbiosis research in relation to second-order systems theory. He lives in Houston, Texas and Vancouver, British Columbia.